Instant Stress Relief: A Day at the Mind Spa
Enjoy a day of stress relief and pampering your emotional body!

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Instant Stress Relief: A Day at the Mind Spa$297

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  • 1xInstant Stress Relief: A Day at the Mind Spa$297

All prices in USD

 Welcome to your "Day at the Mind Spa!" where we pamper your emotional body! :-)  You'll experience instant stress relief as we use the most advanced consciousness (Movement Feedback Holography and Consciousness Shifting or "energy beaming") in small groups to do a "deep cleaning" on your subconscious blocks and traumas so you can start to feel better, find your true self, and see results in your life almost instantly.

The most direct, fastest, and easiest path to a better life is to change your energy from the inside out

My late mentor Karl used to ask his new movement clients "Are you ready to add a zero to your income?"

Come experience true "Third Generation Consciousness Technology!"!


Wednesday, July 31, 2023 2:00pm - 6:00pm Pacific Time

What is 'Instant Stress Relief: A Day at the Mind Spa'?

Come learn how to dissolve stress, pain, and anxiety almost instantly as you get beamed with energy!

It's unfortunate that most of us give little attention or focus on caring for our emotional body...and yet being emotionally whole and powerful is the most important single thing you can do to make more money, be happier and healthier, and generally have a better and bigger life.

So we developed the 'Day at the Mind Spa' so you can give your emotional body the care, feeding, and support it needs to improve just about every area of your life.

You know how your body feels more relaxed and your mind more clear after a day at the spa? We're going to do the same thing for your spiritual and emotional bodies!

We'll start your 'Day at the Mind Spa' by re-connecting you to your true self with the "Consciousness Shifting" process, which will help you to get more present in your body, dissolve pain, and relieve stress almost instantly.

We'll then lead you through hands-on exercises that we call "Movement Feedback Holography" where you can literally shake away old traumas, stress, and limiting belief systems.

By letting the "Day at the Mind Spa" lift you up into a higher level of consciousness, you'll feel that everything in your life is a "a little more okay"! In other words, our problems will seem more solvable...your goals will seem more achievable...and you'll generally feel a lot better about yourself and your life.

In addition to a big emotional clearing and healing, by the end of the day you'll be armed with the knowledge and simple techniques so you can take better care of your emotional body and feel better for the rest or your life!

Some of the specific benefits that come from the "Day at the Mind Spa" include:

* Any physical or emotional pain you might be suffering will likely lessen significantly, and may completely dissolve

* You'll get a direct, visceral experience in your mind and body of what a higher level of consciousness feels like

* You'll be less stressed, more focused, and more powerful in moving forward to improve your experience of your career, finances, health, family, and more

* You'll gain clarity on where your emotional and mental blockages are, and how to clear them

* You get to experience the most powerful consciousness technology available anywhere on planet Earth at any price

* Many people start to see energy, auras, and even past lives with their open eyes

It seems almost "too good to be true" that we can experience powerful transformations while having fun and taking care of ourselves, but this is very real...come join us and see for yourself!

IMPORTANT NOTE: We have a strictly limited capacity for this event to ensure every person gets plenty of individual attention.